Apóstolos Georgíou, Untitled, 2018
Shadi Al Attallah, Jack and Rose I, 2018
Sid Avery, Elizabeth Taylor on the set of 'Giant, 1956
David Bates, Slim, The Bahamas, 2008
Sebastian Blanck, Sebastian, David and Shana, 2008
Boyan, The man who wasn't there, 2006
Boyan, YSL, 2006
Boyan, The painter's wife, 2006
Brian Calvin, Soul patch, 2007
Steve Canaday, Honey mead burger bitch, 2006
Henri Cartier, Behind the gare St. Lazare, Paris, 1932
Matthew Chambers, At least they have to admit you're there, 2015
Alexis Cruces, Weekend in Culiacan, 2019
Aron Demetz, Oripinoe, 2004
Aron Demetz, Marea, 2004
Richard Dupont, Drawing for terminal stage, 2007
Richard Dupont, Untitled, 2007
Tracey Emin, Lonely Chair drawing II, 2012
Katharina Fritsch, Riese/Giant, 2010
Penny Goring, Plague Flowers, 2018
Penny Goring, Weepers, 2018
Penny Goring, Emotive Title, 2018
Penny Goring, Wormery, 2018
Franz Graf, Autisme, 2013
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #1, 2018
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #5, 2018
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #2, 2018
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #3, 2018
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #4, 2018
Huang Hai-Hsin, Da-an-Park #6, 2018
Gottfried Helnwein, Head of a Child 15 (Molly), 2012
Jenni Hiltunen, The Day I Saw You, 2017
Ania Hobson, Ania, 2016
David Hockney, Arrival of Spring in Woldgate, East Yorkshire in 2011 (plate 5), 2011
Gary Hume, Virginia, 2009
Leiko Ikemura, Standing in Dark Yellow (Stehende in Dunkelgelb), 1995-1996
Cisco Jimenez, It can generate love, 2004
Chantal Joffe, Mother and child, 2009
Alexey Kallima, Untitled, 2009
Raffi Kalenderian, Jacque, 2018
Yui Kugimiya, Shaving, 2009
Yui Kugimiya, Zoo Psychology (Scream, Yes&No, Shaving, Bites), 2009
Dale Lewis, Vice versus, 2018
Hugo Lugo, Traslado, primer movimiento, 2004
Hugo Lugo, Traslado, segundo movimiento, 2004
Mustafa Maluka, A momentary vacuum, 2009
Jonathan Meese, Erzcolonel Conan's Kunst!, 2018
Gina Mier, Eating Bananas, 2016
Gina Mier, Mono frustrado, 2019
Ryan Mosley, Weekend retreat, 2017
Matt Mullican, Untitled (2x2 Elements Sign), 2015
Nerhol, Atlas 1, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 10, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 12, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 14, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 15, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 18, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 22, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 23, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 24, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 25, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 29, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 3, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 32, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 40, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 5, 2014
Nerhol, Atlas 7, 2014
Micha Patiniott, Six pencils, 2014
Esther Pearl, Not much Left , 2019
Hilary Pecis, Favorite Vase, 2018
Grayson Perry, Expulsion from number 8 Eden close, 2012
Magnus Plessen, Untitled (38), 2017
Ulf Puder, Hafenbecken, 2014
George Rodrigue, Happy Days Are Here Again, 2002
Victor Rodriguez, Hotel 17,000, 2004
Victor Rodriguez, Blood pearl, 2004
Victor Rodriguez, Split, 1999
Klaas Rommelaere, Escape Route: in order to be successful one must project an image of success at all time, 2019
Francis Ruyter, The definite maybe, 2007
Juliao Sarmento, Dying animals, 2004
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