- Sebastian Blanck, Sebastian, David and Shana, 2008
- Micha Patiniott, Six pencils, 2014
- Gina Mier, Fruit stickers, 2019
- Leiko Ikemura, Standing in Dark Yellow (Stehende in Dunkelgelb), 1995-1996
- Constance Tenvik, Amelia Webb, 2019
- Constance Tenvik, Charles and the giant door, 2019
- Constance Tenvik, Fiona with her hand on her heart and a cold glass of pouilly fumé by the thundering camping wagon of Werner, 2019
- Constance Tenvik, Vilhem with coffee, 2019
- Tafadzwa Tega, Uncle Vusi, 2021
- Katherine Bradford, Parents Day, 2020
- Katherine Bernhardt, Drew Barrimore for missoni, 2006
- Katherine Bernhardt, Missoni girl, 2006
- Katherine Bernhardt, Silly Puddy, 2006
- Ania Hobson, Ania, 2016
- Michael Van Ofen, Officer (Offizier), 2008
- Michael Van Ofen, Toqueville (Head), 2008
- Alexis Cruces, Weekend in Culiacan, 2019
- Kent Iwemyr, Sommaren med Albert, 2020
- Jenni Hiltunen, The Day I Saw You, 2017
- Jonathan Meese, Erzcolonel Conan's Kunst!, 2018
- Klaas Rommelaere, Escape Route: in order to be successful one must project an image of success at all time, 2019
- Nadine Faraj, The heart is right, 2015
- Nadine Faraj, Too wonderful II, 2015
- Kura Shomali, Pauvre, mais..., 2016
- Xavier Veilhan, Laurence, 2017
Kura Shomali, Pauvre, mais..., 2016